When deciding where to give birth, many of us automatically assume that a hospital is the safest option. However, the latest research often surprises people. Current studies reveal that for those planning a home birth, they are...
45% less likely to have an unplanned caesarean
50% less likely to have an instrumental birth
70% less likely to have an epidural
55% less likely to have an episiotomy
40% less likely to have a 3/4th degree tear
40% less likely to have labour augmented (sped up with a hormone drip)
70% likely to have a lower rate of infection
less likely or no more likely to have PPH (excessive bleeding after birth)
As safe as hospital and birth centre births for babies (adverse outcomes in less than 1% of births in all settings)
Additional benefits include...
More personalised care
A place where you feel safe and private to birth in
Your choice of birth partners
All your home comforts to hand
Your own bed straight after the birth
The research review cited examined the births of 500,000 babies born to individuals with ‘low risk’ pregnancies within well-integrated midwifery-led systems. The study focused on the intended place of birth to ensure the outcomes compared ‘like for like’ pregnancies, avoiding the assumption of comparing ‘low risk’ pregnancies with ‘high risk’ ones. It's important to note that caesarean births were included based on the intended place of birth rather than the actual place of birth. For more details, you can find the full paper here
Photo credit to: Happy Home Birth