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Jessie Noble

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

It's been a fantastic year for Calendula - at least that is true for our garden. 

I've been picking the calendula heads, giving thanks and leaving an offering in return for my harvest. I dry out the heads on a wire rack in the warm nook under our staircase.  Once the petals are completely dry, my favourite way to use them is in calendula lotion. 

Along with the calendula itself, the lotion contains beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil.  It's very gentle for pregnant and postpartum Mummas to moisturise skin, relieve sore nipples and soothe the nervous system.  For newborn babies, it is excellent for treating mild skin conditions such as light excema, minor scratches, bug bites and nappy rash. 

"Spiritual and Energetic Uses: Calendula is used to bring comfort to those who are nervous and prone to fear, as well as those who have gone through a profound shock or trauma to the system" American Botanical Council

"Calendula has a long history of use as a vulnerary herb. It is approved by ESCOP and the German Commission E for the treatment of minor inflammations of the skin and mucosa, and as an aid in the healing of minor wounds. It is used as an oil extract and in salve for the treatment of inflamed, irritated, sore, or cracked nipples. Hydroethanolic extracts have exhibited antimicrobial and antifungal activity, and may be used as a topical rinse when there is infection"

Botanical Medicine for Women's Health 

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